„In Abb. 7 bezeichnet a den Topfmagnet, b den Innenkern dieses Magneten, welcher durch die vom Gleichstrom durchflossenen Spule c erregt wird. In dem geringen Luftspalt, welcher von dem Innenkern b und dem Außenmagnettopf a gebildet wird, befindet sich die Dynamometerspule f, welche an der Membran e mittels des Halters d angebracht war. g ist der obere Teil des Lautsprechertrichters.“ [Nesper 1929, 8f.] WEITERLESEN…
Schlagwort-Archive: 1920
„In the old days, especially at the circus and theater we were accustomed to hear the voice amplified at times by means of a large megaphone, thru which a person endeavored to shout. But the voice was invariably muffled and did not sound as clear as the original by the time it reached you. Now, thanks to the audion amplifier, the human voice can be amplified until it is so loud that it will almost scare you to death, and always it is articulate and distinct.“ [Secor in: Electrical Experimenter 1920]